Hailo Wind Systems

News and events

Hailo Wind Systems Logimat 2025

We warmly invite you to visit us at Logimat from March 11 to 13 in Hall 7, Stand 7G40. You can look forward to exciting live demonstrations and presentations in which we show you how to work safely at height in a practical way – whether in high racks, at elevated workplaces or in the logistics industry. Experience live rescues with us and get advice from our occupational safety experts.

Our comprehensive service and training offering includes:

  • Rescue concepts & rescue training
  • Expertise in PPEgA (personal protective equipment against falls from a height)
  • First aid and fire protection
  • Access technology and crane training
  • Ladders and fall protection (initial equipment, replacements, retrofits)
  • Consultation, procurement and inspection of personal fall protection equipment and rescue equipment

With a satisfaction rate of 98% last year, we set a standard for safety training. See for yourself and visit us – we look forward to your visit!

Statement on false claims concerning Hailo Wind Systems Group

Dear Partners, Customers and Suppliers,

Hailo Wind Systems is one of the world's market and technology leaders in access and climbing technology for wind turbines. Since we introduced the professional aluminium ladder system to wind turbines in Europe, we stand for reliability, innovation and sustainable growth as a family-owned company group. Since 2000 we have produced around 40,000 service lifts and hundreds of thousands of kilometres of ladders worldwide.

With our strategy ‘local production for the local market’, we are investing globally. For example by recently doubling our production capacities in Germany and India and expanding our sites in China, Brazil and the USA. Thanks to modern technologies, the implementation of SAP and a resilient, local supply chain, we are optimally positioned for the future. Our solid base and family-owned corporate structure enable us to grow further, particularly in the areas of services and training.

We will continue to invest in new locations and product generations and look forward to a successful future together.

We would like to thank you for your continued trust. We look forward to a successful future - together with you.

hailo wind systems world wide

We congratulate our (former) trainees on passing their final exams!

Azubis 2024 Abschluss

Qualified training forms the basis for a successful professional future. This also applies to our trainees, who have now successfully completed their three-year vocational training. Over the past three years, they have acquired valuable knowledge and skills that they can put to excellent use in their future careers.

Our trainees go through various departments at HAILO, LOTUS, and Hailo Wind Systems, which combine their expertise within the Joachim Loh Group to provide young people and young adults with excellent training. This unique opportunity prepares them optimally for the professional world, as they learn to work together, be flexible, and view challenges from different perspectives.

That's why we say: With us, you can go HIGH! Apply now and secure one of the last apprenticeship places for summer 2025.

Students visit Hailo Wind Systems

School classes from local schools such as the Johann-Textor-Schule Haiger (comprehensive school), the Wilhelm-von-Oranien-Schule Dillenburg (high school) and, most recently, the Johann-von-Nassau-Schule Dillenburg (secondary school) visit us time and again.

Here, the students receive an individual program. From career checks to job application training and the teaching of school content through to company tours and career start coaching, nothing is left to be desired. On 15 January 2024, 28 secondary school pupils and 2 teachers from Johann-von-Nassau School attended the careers orientation event, where they were introduced to the current apprenticeships in particular. The event started with a tour of the Hailo Museum, which is well worth seeing, followed by a meeting in the conference room, where our prospective industrial apprentices talked about the various job opportunities. Afterwards, each student was able to carry out a career check, which they then presented themselves. We then moved on to a tour of the Hailo-Werk factory, including the production of a Hailo bottle opener.

When this part was over, everyone came together again to enjoy a snack after the many impressions. Finally, the students were allowed to inspect the Hailo Wind Systems training tower and learned, for example, about rescuing people who have had accidents in wind turbines.

Rundgang im Museum


Rundgang im Ausstellungsraum


Rundgang im Museum 2

New year, new goals

For many of us, the new year begins with resolutions or goals that we absolutely want to achieve. For companies, this usually means "more sales", "happier employees" or "better products" and can often become a real burden.

We are therefore all the more pleased that our Hailo Wind Systems Group has already reached the milestone of 30,000 m² of production and office space at the beginning of the year. Many thanks to each and every one of our colleagues #hwsfamily who have made this development possible! It is only thanks to you that we can continue to invest in a safer renewable future. ❤️

With this in mind - good luck in achieving your goals! Maybe it will work out a little faster than you thought 🍀

Internationale Büro- und Produktionsfläche Hailo Wind Systems


A+A Fair at Düsseldorf

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
the most important health and safety at work fair of the year will open its doors again in Düsseldorf. Of course, we will be there again and this time we will present exciting live rescues from various work situations and much more!

Learn everything about 
- Rescuing and working in higher workplaces
- Rescuing and working in confined spaces, shafts and silos
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Creation of customised rescue concepts
- Training fire protection assistants and fire extinguishers
- First aid training
- Occupational safety
- And much more!

Where? Halle 4 / G23

In addition to our entire teaching staff, who will be on hand to answer your questions, we will also be able to present something very special this year. Visit us and let us surprise you!

Hailo Wind Systems A+A Banner


Dear customers, partners and suppliers, 

the year 2023 is now drawing to a close and we would like to inform you early about our loading and opening times before and after Christmas to ensure that you can arrange all delivery dates.

Due to Christmas holidays Hailo Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG at Kalteiche-Ring 18, 35708 Haiger (Germany), will be closed from December 23, 2023 till January 02, 2024.

The last loading operations can be performed at December 14, 2023.

Our team is looking forward to welcome and support you from January 02, 2024 again.

On your mark, get set, go! The Hailo Windstürmer conquered Cologne

Six Hailo Windstürmer (like Hailo Windstormers) took part in various disciplines at the 25th Generali Cologne City Marathon. And all of them celebrated top times, including some personal bests.

While in the relay the goal was fun and good times, Nico (Trainer Safety And Rescue Academy) and Malte (Project Management) went all out in the half marathon and didn't let 21 kilometers in bright sunshine get them down. Huge respect for your performance!

Of course, Hailo Wind Systems covered all costs and, insanely, shortly after finishing the run through Cologne's city center, everyone decided: We will come again next year!

So we are looking forward to hopefully even more Hailo Windstürmer 2024 and wish all athletes that they will continue to keep practising - and that they will quickly recover 😉

Our half marathon Hailo Windstürmer (huge respect for pulling through and your times!):


Hailo Windsystems AOK Köln 2023

We are still your certified DUALlift partner

As a manufacturer of service lifts, ladders and fall arrest systems and also as an international service provider for extensive service work in wind turbines, we, Hailo Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG would like to address you today.

We continue to be your reliable partner for DUALlift products as well as for site-related services such as repairs, maintenance and general overhauls. We will continue to support you as a long-term certified DUALlift partner for wind turbines. This applies not only to the supply of components, such as DUALlift hoists, winches and DUALlift safety gears, but also to all site-related services for wind turbines:

  •     Repair
  •     Maintenance
  •     General overhaul
  •     Consulting

With our trained team for repairs and general overhauls of DUALlift components, we support you professionally, reliably and, above all, on schedule in the realization of your service and maintenance projects. You can find out more about this on our "Services" page.

If you have any questions or would like to receive a non-binding offer, please contact our project management directly:

Malte Nösges
Project Management
+49 2773 / 82 1718

Siegerländer AOK Firmenlauf 2023 - A great event for everyone

The Siegerland AOK company run 2023 took place in Siegen-Weidenau on 14.06.2023. In sunny weather, a total of 20 Hailo Windstormers joined forces to complete the 5.5 km route through the town. Conclusion: Great atmosphere with great colleagues! And a few Windstormers even stood out with top times (top 50) despite the approximately 7,500 participants.

Respect for the entire performance of all participants! And a big thank you to the whole team - that's what makes sport fun😊

HWS sagt Danke

Certification of "outstanding innovative strength”

FuE - BSFZ Siegel 2023 - Hailo Wind Systems

We are proud to announce that we have received an award from the BSFZ (Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage) for our "outstanding innovative strength". The funding project, located at the Federal Ministry of Finance Germany, officially proves our ability to continuously develop and implement innovative ideas.

The certification is a further recognition of our strategy to be one of the world's leading suppliers of access and climbing technology in wind turbines.

Many thanks to all our dedicated employees who continuously contribute to keep our company at the top. Their hard work, creativity and passion are key to our success.

We thank the BSFZ for this honor as well and look forward to a continued successful, innovative future.

Hey og velkommen til København! - WindEurope Annual Event 2023

Hey og velkommen til København!

In the Danish capital of Copenhagen, all preparations are emerging for WindEurope 2023, one of the largest wind power trade fairs of the year. There you can expect over 400 exhibitors from April 25 to April 27 - and of course Hailo Wind Systems as well. Just drop by Sarah Dell and Julian Koch at our booth D-A42 in hall D and learn, for example with a delicious coffee, everything about the current state and development of wind power in Europe.

We are looking forward to your visit at the WindEurope Annual Event 2023!


Hailo Wind Systems auf der Windeurope 2023

Live demonstration at the largest intralogistics trade fair LogiMAT in Germany

Live demonstration: This is how you rescue in high-bay warehouses!

In less than a month, the largest intralogistics trade fair LogiMAT in Germany, will open its doors again. This year our safety experts from S.A.R.A. (Safety And Rescue Academy) Michael Herre, Nicolai Füchtner and Jörg Müller will be there as well. An ideal opportunity to exchange ideas with our trainers and learn everything relevant about work safety. And of course, exciting live rescues from a high rack will not be missing!

We are looking forward to your visit in hall 7, booth 7F74 at LogiMAT in Stuttgart, Germany.

Hailo Wind Systems auf der LogiMAT 2023

HAILO WIND SYSTEMS at WindEnergy Hamburg

Do you know where to find out all latest news on climbing technology for wind turbines?

We are looking forward to see you on Europe´s largest wind power fair.

You can visit us from 27.09.2022 to 30.09.2022 at WindEnergy 2022 in Hamburg.

At booth 302 in hall A4 you can expect competent discussion partners and our state-of-the-art solutions, such as our service lift TOPLift L2+, our smart movable platform C-Lift as well as ladders and our fall arrest system H-50.2.

All information about the fair can be found at https://www.windenergyhamburg.com/

We are looking forward to meet you at WindEnergy Hamburg.


Dear customers,
Dear partners and suppliers,

the year 2021 is now drawing to a close and we would like to inform you early about our loading and opening times before and after Christmas to ensure that you can arrange all delivery dates.
Due to Christmas holidays Hailo Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG at Kalteiche-Ring 18, 35708 Haiger (Germany) will be closed from December 22, 2021 till January 2, 2022.

The last loading operations can be performed at December 16.
Our team is looking forward to welcome and support you from January 03, 2022 again.


We are glad to welcome you at HUSUM Wind again!

From September 14th to 17th specialists and experts from many departments are looking forward to meet you. Of course we are pleased to show you are new products and news.

We hope to see you soon!

More information about the fair are available at https://www.husumwind.com



Dear customers,

We are still available for you, but we ask for your understanding that as part of the Corona prevention, our training center S.A.R.A. is temporarily available to a limited extent only. In addition, no external training courses are currently taking place, training on our site are also postponed until further notice. As soon as the general corona situation has been improved, we will resume our training operations and inform you with additional information.

If you have any questions about certificates including expiry dates which will soon be reached or have already passed, you are welcome to contact us. Together we will find a solution.

Hailo Wind Systems wishes you all the best! #flattenthecurve


Hailo Wind Systems is looking forward to another great day at the largest wind fair #CWP2019 in Beijing (Peking). From October 22th to 24th, our international team is glad to present live rescue simulations as well as high quality productsservices und training courses for more safety in wind turbines.

[More impressions will be available soon.]


In recent years, the most important German fair for the wind industry HUSUM Wind, has attracted around 15,000 visitors and 682 exhibitors. Also this year from September 11th – 13th , the Hailo Wind Systems team will once again be represented at the Husum Wind in the middle of the beautiful North Frisia. Within these four days, innovative technology as well as political topics, which will be a main part of the fair, will await you.

Husum Wind is characterized by the diversity and innovative power of the wind market for which it stands for over 25 years.

We look forward to seeing you.
Your Hailo Wind Systems Team


Hailo Wind Systems welcomes you at the AWEA WINDPOWER Conference 2016 (05/23/2016 - 05/26/2016) in New Orleans. The AWEA WINDPOWER Conference is the most important wind industry event in North America this year.

Get in touch with our international sales, product and technology specialists of Hailo Wind Systems and Hailo Wind Systems USA Inc. at Booth 2173 in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center!

You are welcome!



As every year you will find Hailo Wind Systems at the leading trade fairs in the wind power industry around the globe. We will participate at the AWEA Windpower in Houston, TX (USA) as well as the CWP Windpower in Beijing (China). Furthermore Hailo Wind Systems will also be represented in its homecountry Germany at Husum Wind. In every case, our international sales team will be pleased to advise you.

You will also find us at one of the world’s most important fairs for safety at work A+A in Düsseldorf, Germany. Live rescue demonstrations with accompanying moderations of our experienced trainers will be demonstrated several times a day. Get in touch with our extensive and cross-industry portfolio of over 30 training courses!

For further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking forward to welcome you at our booth.

Your Hailo Wind Systems-Team


Hailo Wind Systems is proud to announce that we are an authorized training provider for Tech Safety Lines’ CE Certified products SRK-15 and SPARK sold in Germany.

The SRK-15 is used for the self-rescue and evacuation of any worker at height. This CE certified self-rescue kit has been field tested for over a decade and is used in multiple industries globally.
The SPARK is a component-based Assisted Rescue Kit. All components can be brought in to or taken out of a rescue procedure, depending on the complexity of the rescue event.

Please visit Tech Safety Lines’ website for more information about the SRK-15® and the SPARK.


Experts from all over the world, as well as strong growth over the last few years, stand for the A+A trade fair in Düsseldorf. This year, the Hailo Wind Systems team will be among more than 1,900 exhibitors from over 60 countries from November 5th – November 8th.

Exciting live presentations of several rescue situations in wind turbines and high bay warehouses as well as compact expertise await you at the A+A trade fair in Düsseldorf. A clear structure in various areas offer a first-class experience at the A+A that you can already look forward to!


Your Hailo Wind Systems Team


Instead of sending gifts to our customers, partners and suppliers, Hailo Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG decided to support the Mukoviszidose Förderverein Gießen e. V. with its annual donation.

Mucodiscidosis, also known as cystic fibrosis, is the most common hereditary metabolic disease and is triggered by a genetic defect. As a result of this genetic defect, an abnormal, viscous mucus builds up in various organs which can cause severe impairments, especially in infancy or childhood. According to the current state of knowledge, cystic fibrosis cannot be healed.

Cystic fibrosis is a serious illness which is usually very distressing for those affected, strongly impinging on their quality of life! However, as there are insufficient public funds available, it is not possible to provide appropriate care for patients or perform intensive research without additional donations!

Both the staff and management at Hailo Wind System GmbH & Co. KG have agreed on an initiative by the work council to make thes staff donation to the Mukoviszidose Förderverein Gießen e. Vthis year. The amount raised will be doubled by our owner, Mr Sebastian Loh, at his own expense.

Please support us and the research of mucoviscidose now! All information about the project can be found on www.hailo-windsystems.com/mucoviscidose. For more information about Mukoviszidose Förderverein Gießen e. V. can be found on www.kinderatmung.de.


Dear customers and suppliers,

the year 2018 is now drawing to a close and we would like to inform you about our loading- and opening times before and after Christmas to ensure needed delivery dates.

The last day of loading will be December 17, 2018 in Germany. First day of loading in 2019 will be January 02.

Due to Christmas holidays Hailo Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG will be closed from December 24, 2018 till January 01, 2019.

Our team will be back from January 2, 2019.


From 25 to 28 September, the world’s most important trade fair for the wind power industry takes place in Hamburg. Around 35,000 visitors are expected at the 65,000 m² site of the Hamburg exhibition center. It goes without saying that Hailo Wind Systems will be there! At our stand 302 (directly by the main entrance to hall A4) you can expect the following highlights:

You are welcome to visit our team at any time!



Hailo Wind Systems not only stands for quality, safety and reliability, but also for innovation and state-of-the-art turbine access solutions.

Therefore, together with our customers and the global players of the wind industry, we are constantly reviewing our products and services. Against this background, we would like to present to you today our new product brochure and our new service flyer.



In our product brochure you will find everything about our current main products in a single document - ladders, the new + series service lifts (GLOBALlift + and TOPlift +), climbing protection (including the brand new HWS-FAS 8), climbing aids (E-Lift and H-Lift) and much more.

The new brochure is concisely and clearly arranged, showing the most important thing about us, our products and our product promise ("quality, safety and reliability”).




Our service team is always looking for opportunities and new ideas to offer you new services with the usual Hailo Wind Systems quality. We are pleased to offer you 12 instead of 8 service areas, for services in and on wind turbines.

This includes the installation and maintenance of bat detection systems, rotor blade inspection via drone, platform, door and railing repairs, as well as cable and flange gland checks and much more. An overview of our new services can be found in our new service flyer.

For suggestions, questions and criticism our service team is always at your disposal!





Hailo Wind Systems welcomes you at the AWEA WINDPOWER Conference 2018 from 7th May to 10th May in Chicago, Illinois. The AWEA WINDPOWER Conference is the most important wind industry event in North America.

Get in touch with our international sales, product and technology specialists of Hailo Wind Systems and Hailo Wind Systems USA Inc. at Booth 4452. We are looking forward to your visit!


Johannes Weg,
CEO Hailo Wind Systems

Hailo Wind Systems, one of the international technology and market leader for access systems and service lifts in wind turbines, has appointed Johannes Weg as new general manager. He will replace Dirk Mischnick, who has been managing the company fortunes since the beginning of 2013, on 31 March 2018.

Under Dirk Mischnick, who aside from Hailo Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG is also responsible for the subsidiaries in the USA, Brazil and China, sales were multiplied across all locations. In the last years, he extended the successful internationalisation of the group which is crucial for the wind business, whereby he set great value on a strong team spirit and international communication.

With Johannes Weg, an experienced professional will succeed Dirk Mischnick. His professional career includes decades of working in various sectors, for example as technical director, factory manager and managing director of several companies. With his strong background, Johannes Weg is best equipped to meet the challenges that the wind energy business currently faces. Due to his experience in mechanical engineering and energy technology in Asia and North America, he will provide important impulses for the future direction of Hailo Wind Systems.

“Hailo Wind Systems has developed very well in the last years,” says Johannes Weg. “However, legal requirements and the market environment strongly influence the wind energy business. Therefore, it’s important to assure our European business carefully and to develop our international subsidiaries and our product and service portfolio at the same time.”

Dirk Mischnick has laid the cornerstone for this strategic approach. “We’ve expanded our product and service portfolio as well as accelerated the internationalisation. I’m glad that I can place my position into the hands of someone under whose leadership this path will be consistently pursued,” says Dirk Mischnick.


Image: Max Bögl Wind AG /
Photographer: Holger Hessenthaler

Near the German city of Stuttgart, wind turbine manufacturer Max Bögl is impressively demonstrating how the perfect combination of state-of-the-art wind and hydro power can be achieved. Since 26/10/2017, the highest onshore wind turbine in the world has been standing there, setting a number of technological standards – and of course equipped with state-of-the-art climbing technology from Hailo Wind Systems. For the first time, the new storage concept uses the tower foundations as water reservoirs.

The hub height of 178 metres and the total height of 246.5 metres is also possible thanks to the natural water reservoir used there, according to the company. In Gaildorf, Germany, in addition to the wind farm with its 4x 3.4 MW systems (from GE), an innovative power plant concept is being developed: the water battery.

Via underground pressurised pipe lines, the four wind turbines are connected to a pumped storage power plant in the valley, which supplies a capacity of up to 16 megawatts with three turbines. The electric storage capacity of the power plant is designed for a total of 70 megawatt hours. All in all, the company expects wind-dependent annual electricity generation of around 42 GWh.

In Gaildorf, modern laddersfall arrest systems and service lifts from Hailo Wind Systems are in use. The ladders were equipped with the modern H-50.2 fall arrest system, and in the interior of all the wind turbines, the innovative cable-guided GLOBALlifts are installed.

As a supplier of the climbing technology installed there, we are proud to have made a contribution to this innovative project and to be a partner of Max Bögl.

More about the project can be found at


From September 12th to 15th more than 65.000 visitors will be guest at A+A, the most important fair for safety at work, in Düsseldorf.

Hailo Wind Systems, one of the global market- and technology leaders for access and climbing systems in wind turbines invites you to get more information about our current safety trainings and e-learnings like:


  • Installation, commissioning, service and operation of service lifts / climb assists
  • Rescue in wind turbines / high-bay warehouses
  • Special rescue and first aid at accident site
  • GWO training courses  „Working at Heights“, „First Aid“, „Fire Awareness“ und „Manual Handling“
  • Expert for PPE according to DGUV regulation
  • Working and rescue in confined spaces
  • And much more!

More information about our safety trainings are available on our website or in our training center brochure. Of course, you can receive a free entry voucher as well while stocks last. Mrs. Eva Voth (evoth@hailo-windsystems.com) is looking forward to your request!

We are excited to meet you at Hall 6, Booth H69.

AA Logo


Hailo Wind Systems presents innovative technology and services for the interna-tional wind energy industry


  • Extended range of services, training and qualification measures
  • A ten-square-metre training tower with state-of-the-art fall arrest systems and innovative service lifts
  • GLOBALlift H1: The most compact service lift of its type

From 12 to 15 September, Hailo Wind Systems, the preferred partner of international wind turbine manufacturers and opera-tors, will be presenting its innovative wind turbine access sys-tems, service lifts and a range of new services such as more detailed winch and crane inspections as well as more informa-tion about its wind turbine servicing training courses at the HUSUM Wind 2017 in Hall 5, stand B43. The company wants to ensure that wind turbines all over the world operate safely and are reliably maintained. Visitors can learn more about the latest technology and services for the international wind energy industry at Hailo Wind Systems trade fair stand, which extends over 72 square metres. All of the currently available fall arrest systems and the innovative service lifts can be tested live on the training tower, which measures almost ten metres. Visitors can also try out the innovative service lift GLOBALlift H1.
The GLOBALlift H1 is the most compact wind turbine service lift of its type. The cable-guided one-man cabin was designed especially with the conditions in North Africa and parts of the USA in mind, where towers with low platform access widths are usual. Despite its compact size, it is as safe and reliable as all of the other models in the GLOBALlift H range. "We make no compromises when it comes to the safety aspect. That is why we apply the highest standards to all of the products and ser-vices we offer all over the world," says CEO Dirk Mischnick.
In addition, the wind power specialist will also be presenting the advantages of its global production and service concept, give insights into the expansion of its service business and pro-vide an overview of the extensive training and qualification measures offered by its in-house Safety And Rescue Academy (S.A.R.A.). The trade fair visitors can meet the Hailo Wind Sys-tems staff in person in two generously sized lounge areas, and end their day at the exhibition with a relaxed chat.


Hailo Wind Systems: Considerably more space and optimised production facilities.

More space, considerably optimised production facilities and increased flexibility – with the move to a new site, Hailo Wind Systems is ready for future growth. The new site, also located in Haiger, offers the technology and market leader in the area of wind turbine access systems and service lifts considerably more space for its offices and production facilities. An extension scheduled for next year will offer even more potential.

The company has invested not only in the development of the new site but also in the optimisation and modernisation of the production facilities, as its new manufacturing area was designed taking the latest standards on board with the help of LEAN workshops and experts. "We now have product-specific production lines that ensure an enhanced workflow," says Hailo Wind Systems plant manager Olaf Oppermann. The optimisation of the production facilities is a result of the positive development of the business. "Ever since the company was established, we have seen an increased demand and have achieved new records every year," explains CEO Dirk Mischnick.

The move was not only inspired by the need to increase the production capacities but also with customer satisfaction in mind: "We want to grow with our existing customers and also gain new ones," says Dirk Mischnick. "That is why we are investing not only in the extension of our production capacities but also specifically in the permanent further development of our product portfolio, as the wind power market is extremely dynamic – and we intend to continue to be just as dynamic! Most recently, Hailo Wind Systems has optimised its climb assist H-Lift and also several of its fall arrest systems. The eLearning courses and the product catalogue are now also available in many additional languages, such as Turkish and Chinese.

The modern offices at the Technology Park Kalteiche are scheduled for further extension in 2018 to also provide space for the training centre, the Safety And Rescue Academy (S.A.R.A.) and the training tower, which is 16 metres tall and enables professionale traiings under real working conditions, so they can also move to the new site.

Hailo Wind Systems GmbH & Co. KG can now be found at Kalteiche-Ring 18 in 35708 Haiger (Hesse), Germany.

Außenansicht Hailo Wind Systems Kalteiche-Ring 18


The largest event for wind power and wind energy in India is set to take place from 25th to 27th April 2017 in New Delhi at The Ashok hotel. This year, Hailo Wind Systems is celebrating a premiere in the grounds of the hotel. “We have great expecta-tions of the positively-developing Indian market, and plan to further expand our commitment. Our trade fair presence and our own on-site employee, who assumed his position at Hailo Wind Systems in India about a year ago, are important initial steps for us”, says Christopher Bahl, International Marketing Manager at Hailo Wind Systems. The company is to be represented at the trade fair by employees from India, Germany, China and the USA.

At the Windergy India trade fair, the technology and market leader in the field of climbing and access technology will pre-sent a selection of their products on a ladder scaffold. Included in this presentation are the climbing protection systems H-50.2 and H-8 and the climbing aid H-Lift. The international supplier of tower equipment for wind power plants represents reliable system solutions of the highest “Made in Germany” quality– and therefore also maximum safety.

The focus of the trade fair is further developments for the re-newable energies agenda in India, with a target of 60 GW in-stalled power output from wind power plants to be achieved by 2022. The Windergy Conference will be held in parallel to this and will include topics dealing with consulting policies, technology and emerging models. In total, approximately 140 exhibitors will present their exhibits at the Windergy India event.

Hailo Wind Systems - Steigschutz


We care about the quality of our products, services, internal and also external processes. For this reason, we have undergone an audit by the internationally recognised organisation DEKRA, and have had the areas of "development and production of climbing systems and servicing lifts for wind turbines, as well as the servicing of the same and respective training courses" inspected by the auditors.

The success of our quality management in all areas has now been confirmed by a "Quality management compliant with ISO 9001:2015 standard" certificate.

This certificate shows that our processes are planned in a future-proof way in accordance with documented procedures, and implemented accordingly.

We are delighted by this certificate and would like to thank all of our employees for their contribution!

ISO 9001


The WIND EXPO 2017 will be held at Japan's largest exhibition centre, Tokyo Big Sight, from 1 to 3 March. Hailo Wind Systems will be attending the WIND EXPO for the first time this year. The technology and market leader in the area of wind turbine access and servicelift systems will be exhibiting its latest fall arrest systems, as well as new products in the area of Personal Protective Equipment and other fall prevention products at an impressive three ladder tracks. As a manufacturer of climbing systems and servicelifts for wind turbines, Hailo Wind Systems stands for top quality "made in Germany", reliable system solutions and optimum safety.

The WIND EXPO 2017 takes place within the scope of World Smart Energy Week 2017, during which a total of 1,500 exhibitors present themselves at eight trade shows with a focus on renewable energies – including around 180 exhibitors in the area of wind energy.

Wind Expo 2017


At the WindEnergy fair in Hamburg we have already presented the beta version of our eLearning system. Today, we are glad to present you our brand-new eLearning 2.0!
Therein you can find all courses, certificates and information about our online and on-site trainings. Over 8,000 registered participants can re-experience our eLearning and all new functions and advantages like:

1. Smart notifications
The new eLearning 2.0 provides you the information and documents you need and automatically informs you on updates, security announcements and expiring certificates.

2. Personal download area
Certificates, user manuals, assembly logs and more - From now on, all relevant documents are provided online after succeeding any online course.

3. Comfortable education
Training or eLearning required? Pick a training and a date at https://www.hailo-windsystems.com/en/training, book and pay online. Simple and timesaving.

4. New security videos
New videos about the maintenance and operation of or service lifts are available, for example the “Daily Check Tutorial”, in German and English language.

5. Improved design
Modern, clear-cut design for desktop computers, tablets and smartphones: Experience our E-Learning everywhere and anytime under optimized conditions.

6. Keep the overview
As a training supervisor, you can assign trainings to your training participants and see their progresses and certificates. You will be informed in case of certificate expirations.

Your safety always comes first - We have therefore enhanced the password security policy:

1. Enter the Email address of your user account here and click on "reset password".
2. You will receive an Email with a link to reset your password. Please follow the instructions in this Email.
3. Then, log in with your Email address and your new password on https://www.hailo-windsystems.com/en/my-account/.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. Robin Schmitt (Customer Service eLearning) by Email (elearning@hailo-windsystems.com) or by phone (+49 2773 82 1323).


With growing requirements of our customers, we have further developed our proven fall arresters SPL-50-R2 (not divisible) and Hailo PARTNER for the H-50 fall arrest system. Among other improvements, the brake lever and the release mechanism were optimized. A new shackle improves the connection to the shock absorber. Further, both runners became more robust.

Both new fall arrest devices Hailo SPL-50-R3 (part number 9580261) und Hailo PARTNER R1 (part number 9618601) replace their predecessors Hailo SPL-50-R2 and Hailo PARTNER with immediate effect.

In order to further improve quality and reliability of the H-50 fall arrest system, the safety rail is now mounted on the rung with an additional reinforcement (H-50 reinforcement rail end st.galv., part number 6010641) when used with aluminium and hot dip galvanized steel ladders.

Hailo Wind Systems - Steigschutz H50-2 Hailo Wind Systems - SPL-50-R3


Hailo Wind Systems can look back on its most successful business year ever: the company's more than 10 per cent increase in turnover both in Germany as well as on the international markets reflects the high level of importance the wind energy industry is attaching to safety aspects when it comes to wind turbine servicing. This successful business development has led to an increase in the workforce in Germany.

"With our well-designed products and tried and tested systems, we ensure that service technicians can work in a safe environment as they check and service wind turbines," says Christopher Bahl, Marketing Hailo Wind Systems. "2016 was not only a very successful business year for us – we have also set the course for the future with new products and the standardisation of our various subsidiaries."

One highlight for Hailo Wind Systems was the Wind Energy trade fair in Hamburg, where the company exhibited numerous innovations for the international wind energy industry. The company's latest developments were demonstrated in practice on a multi-functional training tower that was almost 5.5 metres high: five tracks with different fall arrest systems and not just one but two new service lifts, including the new "E-Lift" that reduces the effort needed to ascend and descend from wind turbines by 50 per cent – and therefore ensures that more turbines can be serviced in less time.
"The response to our trade fair display in Hamburg was phenomenal," says Christopher Bahl. "Next year, we will double our trade fair activities." In 2017, Hailo Wind Systems will exhibit its products and services for the first time in India and Japan in order to continue to drive the company's international growth.


hailo wind systems - e lift

Hailo Wind Systems will exhibit its innovative access technology and fall arrest systems products again at the worlds most important wind energy trade fair, WindEnergy in Hamburg.

A highlight of the access technology specialist during the trade show (hall A4, stand 402, 27.-30.09.2016) will be a multifunctional training tower, 3 x 3 x 5 metres in size, equipped with five tracks including fall arrest systems and sliders. Live rescue exercises will be simulated within the training tower, using a Hailo TOPlift L2 service lift. Through the transparent Makrolon housing of the service lift, our visitors will gain an excellent insight into practices and handles by the experts of our Safety And Rescue Academy (S.A.R.A.), which are normally hidden in regular safety trainings. Furthermore, our GWO certified training center will simulate rescue in the event of fainting or injury during ascent or descent with a ladder. With our training tower, we will present several innovative solutions increasing security and comfort when working and climbing in wind power systems.

Beside this trade show highlight, Hailo Wind Systems will present more exhibits than ever. Professionals will find interlocking solutions, repair kits, sprung reinforcements, railings and much more. The beta version of our new E-Learning will be presented exclusively, not only providing safety trainings worldwide and at any time, but also informing all training participants about relevant news and changes, like updated user manuals, mounting instructions and other documents) in a direct and tailored way in a personal download portal for the very first time. In future, training courses can easily be purchased online.


Nordex has installed the world’s tallest wind turbine to date in Hausbay in the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate. With a hub height of 164 metres and a rotor length of 65.5 metres, the N131/3300 wind power system reaches a total height of just under 230 metres. Installed in this world’s tallest wind tubine is state-of-the-art technology by Hailo Wind Systems, including our Servicelift TOPLift L2 and suitable aluminium ladders.

With a total height of just under 230 metres and a lower blade tip height of 100 metres, the N131/3300 will be able to make use of air layers offering a greater yield, thus increasing annual output. At the same time, it is exposed to less turbulence in hilly and forest-rich terrain.




Source: http://www.nordex-online.com


Hailo Wind Systems’ Safety And Rescue Academy (S.A.R.A.) continues to satisfy the demanding training requirements of the Global Wind Organisation (GWO). In the GWO’s annual audit, Hailo was confirmed as meeting the international standard for First Aid, Fire Awareness, Working at Height and Manual Handling training courses for the 3rd time – with 98% participant satisfaction.

The GWO certificate forms the basis for ensuring that safety-relevant training courses in the wind industry comply with uniform standards. It was initiated by various renowned manufacturers with the aim of significantly improving training and safety levels for wind farm workers. Ever since, the GWO has conducted a one-day annual audit of all training providers seeking certification – a process during which the Safety And Rescue Academy’s training programme also undergoes critical scrutiny of its compliance with the GWO standards. Each year, areas such as training documentation and preparation, the practical implementation of the training courses, the structures of the management system, the training equipment and the training infrastructure are reevaluated.
“We are proud to have received the GWO certificate for the third time in a row,” says Michael Herre, senior trainer at the Safety And Rescue Academy. “Everyone who takes part in our programmes is trained in accordance with high international safety standards.” A safe work environment in on and offshore wind farms is thus guaranteed. Hailo Wind Systems performed particularly well in terms of its well-prepared training programmes, the high standard of its training materials and equipment and its highly qualified trainers from both industry and the fire and rescue services. Hailo Wind Systems’ internal management system also performed very well in the audit. All in all, the auditing committee rated user satisfaction at 98%. “We see this outcome as an endorsement of our concept – because a consistently high focus on quality is the only way to ensure satisfied participants. We are delighted with this outstanding result,” says Michael Herre.
In addition, the realistic work environment provided by the training tower in Haiger ensures a high level of qualification for all participants. The courses available include user training on ladder and access equipment, assembly training for ladder technology and service lifts or rescue exercises involving a shaft or wind turbine. Besides its practical training courses, Hailo Wind Systems also offers an e-learning platform for its Safety And Rescue Academy that enables participants to take part in selected courses online at any time.



On 18 January 2016, the Brandenburg State Office for Occupational Safety issued a general ruling, which leads to further implications for the use of the service lifts with components from Tractel Greifzug GmbH. The basis of this general ruling is an accident report by DEKRA.

Note, that the guidelines contained the general ruling are mandatory and must be observed in Germany. Subject to compliance with the following conditions, we hereby release all Hailo Wind Systems service lifts with components from Tractel Greifzug GmbH for an unlimited period.


We have been informed that an accident occurred on 28 September 2015 while a servicelift was being used in a wind turbine in Storkow, Brandenburg (Germany). Tragically, one employee of a service company was fatally injured and another severely injured in the accident.

Hailo Wind Systems is not the manufacturer of the servicelift involved in the accident and has not carried out any service activities in that wind turbine.

From what we understand, the servicelift involved in the accident was equipped with a hoist and a fall arrest device (Type BSO) installed by Tractel Greifzug GmbH that are also used in
some older models from Hailo Wind Systems. As investigations by the local authorities are still ongoing, we do not know if this safety component had anything to do with the
accident. We explicitly distance ourselves from speculation on the possible cause of the accident.

General note:

Prior to the use of any Hailo Wind Systems servicelift – regardless of its hoist or fall arrest device – we expressly warn that they may only be used in accordance with proper procedures, regulation, the operating manual and a proper pre use verification. Furthermore, all maintenance and inspection intervals must be within due date. Operators need to hold a valid Hailo Wind Systems user certification to operate the servicelift. Under all these preconditions, we do not have any specific information that the use of our servicelifts is unsafe. At present we are not aware of any defects in our servicelifts.

Nevertheless, in light of the ongoing investigations Hailo Wind Systems has - as a precaution - decided to temporarily suspend the use of all servicelifts equipped with components from Tractel Greifzug GmbH for passenger transportation. Only material handling is allowed.

Hailo Wind Systems always treats safety and reliability as its number one priority. We are in contact with the responsible authorities and companies in order to get additional information.
We will inform you as soon as we have any further details. We also reserve the right to take further actions.


Safer, more reliable and more efficient:
Hailo Wind Systems presented technology and service for the international wind power sector.

Guaranteeing the safe operation and reliable maintenance of wind power systems throughout the world – that is Hailo Wind Systems. At the HUSUM Wind 2015 trade fair, taking place between September 15 and 18 in Hall 5, Stand B 30, the partner of international wind power systems manufacturers and operators presented innovative climbing systems, climbing protection equipment and lift technology for maintaining wind power systems of varying sizes.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Mr. Christopher Bahl
International Marketing Manager
Email: cbahl@hailo-windsystems.com
Phone: 02773 / 82 1471